Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wow, that was humbling

I know I have started my training because this makes two days in a row that I have woken up at 5am. Man, I hope this gets easier! I started my three sport training yesterday. I feel I'm an ok runner right now so I am going to primarily concentrate on my swimming and biking for the first few weeks.

First up, swimming. To answer the question on everyone's minds, yes, I have a speedo (calm down ladies, take a deep breath and count to ten). Although, it's probably not what you're thinking (they are knee length jammers. The name brand is speedo). It took a little getting used to but they are actually really comfortable and easy to swim with.

I have discovered that this is going to be as much a training in time management as it will be in actual athletic training. I showed up at the pool yesterday at 9am. I thought I could get a little work done before I started my swim. Really I just wanted to get fully awake before I started working out. To my disappointment, the pool wasn't open at that time. I had missed my window of opportunity that morning. I was told that the pool was only open from 6:30-8:30 every morning but that I could come back at 11 and that is what I did. I am going to have to really make sure my days are planned more precisely especially once school starts back.

I've always been a really strong swimmer but haven't been in a pool for about 10 years or so. I swam a total of 500 yards (20 lengths of the pool) yesterday. The best way I can describe it is to say that I have a VERY long way to go. I'm really trying to not let myself get discouraged with some of the early performances. I have a tendency to think I can do anything whenever I want to do it and I just have to remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. I would swim one length of the pool, rest for about 15 seconds then swim back. This is the process I followed until I finished the 500 yards. I guess it's a little like running for the first time when you are completely out of shape. You run a quarter mile, walk a few minutes then run some more.

I'm a quick learner. I was at the pool at 6:30 this morning. Today was a bit better simply because I had a little better idea of what to expect. My shoulders were a little sore but hardly noticeable. I was slightly pissed off about yesterday's performance but told myself to ignore it and stay focused on today's goal. That in and of itself was a major accomplishment for me. Today I swam a total of 600 yards which is just over 1/3 of a mile, not coincidentally the distance of the swim of the Traditions Triathlon that I am preparing for.

I have had a few requests that I make sure to post photos along with the updates. Ladies, if your lucky I may even post a few of me and the speedo.

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